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Server Arguments

These arguments are set when you launch the Appium server with device-farm plugin.

Argument Required Description Default Options
--plugin-device-farm-platform Yes Platform to run tests against for parallel execution None both,ios,android
--plugin-device-farm-ios-device-type No Types of ios devices to include both both,simulated,real, For example: If you want to run only against iOS simulator then specify --plugin-device-farm-ios-device-type=simulated
--plugin-device-farm-android-device-type No Types of android devices to include both both,simulated,real, For example: If you want to run only against android emulator then specify --plugin-device-farm-android-device-type=simulated
--plugin-device-farm-skip-chrome-download No Downloads require chromedriver for web testing true false
Setting to false will download required chromedriver for web testing on chrome
--plugin-device-farm-hub No HUB IP address and port the node should register None hub: "http://hubhost:hubport", If you want to run tests distributed across remote and local machine
--plugin-device-farm-max-sessions No Limit how many sessions can be active at a time. This is useful when you need limit sessions based on host machine resource availability. None <number> e.g. 8
--plugin-device-farm-derived-data-path No DriveDataPath of WDA to speed iOS test run. None {'simulator': 'PathtoDrivedDataPath', 'device': 'PathtoDrivedDataPath'}
--plugin-device-farm-adb-remote No ADB Remote host and port as array None ["remoteMachine1IP:adbPort", "remoteMachine2IP:adbPort"]
--plugin-device-farm-proxy-ip No For remote execution if the node machine is behing proxy None http://remoteMachineProxyIP:proxyPort, For example: 'https://10.x.x.x:3333'
--plugin-device-farm-emulators No The name of Android emulator to run the test on. The names of currently installed emulators could be listed using avdmanager list avd command. If the emulator with the given name is not running then it is going to be launched on automated session startup. None [{"avdName": "device1, launchTimeout: 200000 }] Refer to Emulator (Android Virtual Device)
--plugin-device-farm-device-availability-timeout-ms No Hub only. How long to wait for free device before giving up (in milliseconds) 300000 e.g.: 300000 ms (5 minutes)
--plugin-device-farm-device-availability-query-interval-ms No Hub only. How often to check for free device (in milliseconds) 10000 e.g.: 10000 ms
--plugin-device-farm-send-node-devices-to-hub-interval-ms No Node only. How often to send list of local device to hub (in milliseconds). This event is an addition to real-time event when device get plugged or unplugged (in milliseconds) 10000 e.g.: 10000 ms
--plugin-device-farm-check-stale-devices-interval-ms No Hub only. How often to check device staleness (in milliseconds). Node(s) may go down without notice. 10000 e.g.: 10000 ms
--plugin-device-farm-check-blocked-devices-interval-ms No Hub only. How often to check device block status (in milliseconds). Sessions may be terminated without notice. 10000 e.g.: 10000 ms
--plugin-device-farm-new-command-timeout-sec No Hub only. When last received command is older than this value (in seconds), device is considered no longer in session and will be unblocked. 60 e.g.: 60 seconds
--plugin-device-farm-booted-simulators No Consider only booted iOS simulators false true/false
--plugin-device-farm-wda-bundle-id Yes For real device, please resign the ipa file and provide the new bundle of the ipa None
--plugin-device-farm-remote-connection-timeout No During remote execution set the session creation timeout 60000 120000 ms
--plugin-device-farm-live-streaming No Live streaming of test execution false true/false

Emulator (Android Virtual Device)

Capability Name Description
avdName The name of Android emulator to run the test on. The names of currently installed emulators could be listed using avdmanager list avd command. If the emulator with the given name is not running then it is going to be launched on automated session startup.
launchTimeout Maximum number of milliseconds to wait until Android Emulator is started. 60000 ms by default
readyTimeout Maximum number of milliseconds to wait until Android Emulator is fully booted and is ready for usage. 60000 ms by default
args Either a string or an array of emulator command line arguments. If arguments contain the -wipe-data one then the emulator is going to be killed on automated session startup in order to wipe its data.
env Mapping of emulator environment variables.

Above cli arguments can also be set from config.json file Refer here

Proxy configuration for axios

If you need to set proxy for remote and cloud execution, appium-device-farm will use the proxy provided and pass that to HttpAgent and HttpsAgent.

The proxy object definition will be as per the axios documentation available here -


  proxy: {
    protocol: 'https',
    host: '',
    port: 9000,
    auth: {
      username: 'mikeymike',
      password: 'rapunz3l'